What is Epigenetics?

An introduction to what epigenetics is, and why you need to know about it.
Megan Kearney
At A Glance

What is Epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of how a person’s environment and their behaviors affect their genetic expressions.  Quite simply, epigenetics means “above the genome”, meaning that there are no physical changes to your DNA, but that the way your DNA is interpreted is changed.

The Implications of Epigenetics

Why should this study of DNA expression mean anything to you? In the fields of health, psychology, and even spirituality, epigenetics has become an absolute game-changer in the way that we understand how health is maintained, disease is formed, and the implications of prognosis – which is precisely why you need to know about it.

Understanding the importance that behavior and environment have on our genetic expression is like understanding that if you don’t water your houseplants, they’re going to die: it’s a basic assumption, yet you still have to do something about it.

For decades we had believed that the onset of disease had much more to do with heredity and genetics, which left a tremendous amount of people in a situation where the felt powerless to their circumstances, and left another group absolutely fearful of what their future might entail due to a  ‘family history’ of illnesses. Having the knowledge that you are in far more control of your outcomes is almost a radical idea in this age, but it is being proven more and more each day by scientists who understand the implications of quantum physics, psychology, and cellular biology, on the human body and its processes.

How Epigenetics Gained Notoriety

The work of Dr. Bruce Lipton over more than two decades, has transformed the way that we understand what is truly happening in our bodies as it relates to the manifestation of diseases and illness. Dr. Lipton wrote one of the most influential and comprehensive books on the subject, The Biology of Belief , outlining how the human mind plays an integral part (if not the most important part) in the expression of genes that either produce health and vitality, or disease and disharmony. Through his dedication to research and desire to help everyday people, the field of epigenetics has gone from being scientific theory, to scientific fact – and he has done his due diligence to ensure that the public has access to this knowledge, so that it can be applied to our everyday lives.

Get your copy of Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book, The Biology of Belief, here:

The old adage of “knowledge is power” is correct, to a certain extent. True power to affect change comes from knowledge that is applied. Have you ever met a person who was absolutely brilliant or knowledgeable, but because they did not apply their knowledge to their own lives, they failed to progress or achieve their desires? This is because of what I call the “knowledge-action gap”. This gap is what prevents us from harnessing the true power that we all have to affect change within ourselves, and subsequently, in the world around us.

 The wonderful part about being human is that we always have a choice. Every day, we are presented with endless choices to make – whether it’s what to have for breakfast, what you’ll listen to as you head off to work, or how you transform your life by starting with the one person who can: you. When we realize that every action we take is a choice -no matter how big or how small- we can slowly begin working towards those larger changes that can drastically improve our health, wealth, and satisfaction with life. What epigenetics teaches us is that every decision counts – especially when it comes to the expression of your health and vitality. At the end of the day, we all want to feel full of life, and be able to fully enjoy our time on this earth. Understanding how behavior and environment play an integral role in this experience, is taking us one step closer to finding the fulfillment that we’ve been searching for.

Harnessing the Influence of Epigenetics

At The Wealthy Living Method, we are acutely aware of these impacts, and the understanding of the mind in relation to all aspects of life – health, wealth, and happiness. With the emerging science and understanding of epigenetics on a global level, a tremendous number of people are making the decision to become active participants in their lives, rather than continuing as victims of circumstance. My introduction to the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton helped to deepen my own understanding of how health is truly expressed, and led me down a path of discovery that played a role in the development of the approaches taken in the courses and coaching, here at The Wealthy Living Method.  If you are ready to play an active role in reclaiming your health, wealth, and happiness, you can visit our webpage for more information on the courses and sessions available, or email me with any questions that you might have.

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